The Website
In this website you can find various articles which are related to the study of data and are grouped in three sections. In the simulation section you can find content on how to solve practical issue using various simulation techniques using the R software. The networks section presents theory and techniques from graph theory that can be applied to real-world scenarios. These techniques and others are applied in articles found in the finance section.
Some articles are more focused on the application of the theory mostly by using excel or R coding. Other articles are more theoretic than others but still practical insights on applications are given as much as possible.
About me
My name is Mark Debono and I update this website with articles related to the scientific study of data! The idea is to share my knowledge in this field whilst keeping a record of the topics that stimulated my mind and led me to research about.
Here’s something related to my background. My university years were dedicated to mathematics and statistics. My M.Sc. thesis focuses on modelling real-world graphs (networks) with perfectly-structured graphs through various measures and techniques like simulated annealing.
I worked in data and modelling in the banking industry. This got me familiar with programming languages like R and Python in order to process large data and apply simulation techniques. Nowadays I teach Mathematics & Statistics online and currently developing an online learning environment for high school mathematics students.

More about me
In my free time, I keep myself entertained with socialising, drinking tea and listening to music, playing guitar and some dancing too!
I hope that you enjoy reading my articles and that you find them inspiring and helpful. If you find my work interesting and would like to get in touch, that would be great!