Theorem: Let G be a simple graph with V(G)\geq 2, such that both G and its complement G^c are connected. Then G (and its complement G^c) has an induced P_4.

Proof: First of all note that since the complement of P_4 is still P_4. Then G has an induced P_4 if and only if G^c has an induced P_4. Similarly, G has no induced P_4 if and only if G^c has no induced P_4.

Suppose for contradiction that the theorem statement is false. Suppose that there exists a simple graph G on at least 2 vertices, such that G (and G^c) has no induced P_4. Let us find a minimal counter example, i.e., a graph G with the minimum possible number of vertices, which is connected, its complement G^c connected and has no induced P_4.

There are no such graphs on 2 vertices, on 3 vertices and on 4 vertices.

Hence the minimal counterexample G must have at least 5 vertices.

Let u\in V(G). Consider the subgraph H=G-u. Since G has no induced P_4 and H is an induced subgraph of G, then H also has no induced P_4. Since G is a minimal counterexample, H (which has less vertices than G) or its complement must be disconnected.

W.l.o.g. assume that H is disconnected. Let H_1 be a component of H. Since G is connected, then u is adjacent to at least one vertex of H_1 and one vertex of H\setminus H_1. Let us name these two vertices as v and w respectively. Moreover, since G and G^c are both connected, u is not a dominating vertex. Hence there exists a vertex x in H_1 or H\setminus H_1 which is not adjacent to u. W.l.o.g. let us assume that x is in H_1.

Consider the shortest path (x,s_2,s_3,....,s_{k-1},s_k,s_{k+1}...,w) from x to w, where s_k=u (any path from a vertex of H_1 to a vertex of H\setminus H_1 must pass from u) and s_{k-1}\neq x. Consider the induced subgraph G[\lbrace s_{k-2},s_{k-1},s_k=u,s_{k+1}\rbrace]. Since (x,s_2,s_3,….,s_{k-1},s_k,s_{k+1}…,w) is a shortest path, we have \lbrace s_{k-2},s_k\rbrace\neq E(G), \lbrace s_{k-1},s_{k+1}\rbrace\neq E(G) and \lbrace s_{k-2},s_{k+1}\rbrace\neq E(G). Thus G[\lbrace s_{k-2},s_{k-1},s_k=u,s_{k+1}\rbrace] is an induced P_4. This gives a contradiction. Hence the result follows. \square